Gratitude for Medication

Mold created penicillin which has saved countless lives by keeping deadly bacteria at bay. The beautiful foxglove, graceful willow and seductive poppy are a tiny sample of the plants that heal, soothe, and sometimes cure. You have granted us observation to recognize potential treatments, insight and science to refine and recreate new compounds inspired by the possibilities that you have placed before us and traditions and customs in order to safely benefit from the drugs that can be as deadly as the conditions that they treat.

With our abundant pharmacopeia it is easy to forget the afflictions of body, soul and mind that would bedevil us without the grace of medicine. And despite side effects and imperfect treatments that sometimes fail, our lives are extended and enriched through the benificence of one of the greatest miracles  of creation: medicine.

Blessed are you God, omnipresent source of the revealed, who creates myriad healing compounds, grants intelligence to harness them for healing, and sustains societies to transmit the safe knowledge of the use of medications to provide life and healing to all.

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